Duh-2000: The past nominees...
The monthly contest for the stupidest thing said about the Year 2000 problem*
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From Contest #1

The Candidates (the official list):
James Annable, chief economist at First Chicago NBD: "Will there be glitches? Absolutely. Will it cause a recession? Absolutely not. Will it cause the end of the world? The question should be, 'What are you smoking?'"
Steve Roach, chief economist at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter: "There is not one shred of evidence that suggests that year-2000 compliance or non-compliance will have any effect on the U.S. business cycle."
A "two for one" article from Fox News Economists Debate Global Impact of Year 2000, July 1, 1998

Vladislav Petrov, spokesman for the Russia's Atomic Energy Ministry: "We don't have any problems yet. We'll deal with the problem in the year 2000.''
This from the people that cheerfully brought you Chernobyl, found in the AP article Experts Fear 2000 Computer Glitch, July 4, 1998

Sally Katzen, Director OMB: "The Year 2000 Problem Will Be A Non-Event For The Federal Government"
What would qualify as an "event?" A meteor the size of Texas? Testimony before the House Subcommitte on Government Management, Information, and Technology on July 10, 1997 and quoted on the y2kinvestor, "The Year 2000 Problem Will Devastate The Global Economy"

Pat Buchanan or Bill Press, Co-hosts of CNN's Crossfire: "Let me tell you something. I have been doing the show two and a half years, every day we have started on time. When you got a deadline, it seems to me, you get there." and "I'm a total skeptic on this, I think this whole thing is a total fraud. You can't tell me they're not going to fix it."
Ok, we won't.  Spoken like a true executive that's never managed a real project, during Year 2000: Will the World's Computers Crash? CNN's Crossfire Interview with Peter deJager, aired July 14, 1998.  Attributed to Pat Buchanan on the transcript but apparantly said by Bill Press.

John Koskinen, Chairman of the President's Y2K Council: "Would we do better if I stood up tomorrow and said this is a national crisis?"
Uh, yep.  Quoted in Time, Why The Government's Machines Won't Make It, June 15, 1998

And now the unofficial list:
all those other entries who's sources couldn't be verified, but we liked anyway

"I don't want anymore Y2K items on the agenda unless you can give me target dates and deliverables."
an unnamed manager

"If we don't fix the Year 2000 problem, we're just not going to make it.  It's taking an incredibly long time to get that across to some of our IT community and to industry. But all I can do is persist, persist and persist. I can educate them. I can advertise our successes. Then, if they don't get it, we'll just have to shoot them."
an unnamed armed forces deputy chief of staff

This web site and all material contained herein is Copyright ©1998, 1999 The Ken Orr Institute. All Rights Reserved. The opinions expressed here are necessarily the opinions of the staff and management of The Ken Orr Institute.  Any resemblance to any actual persons living or dead is purely intentional.  No animals were harmed in the creation of this website, except for a small and reasonably insignificant squirrel that annoyed us at just the wrong instant.  Elvis has left the building.  Keep in mind that links to current news items change at the drop of a hat, so don't be surprised if the quote turns up 404 (internet-speak for "we're sorry, but that number has been disconnected or is no longer in service").